Current Gallery: blooming ( piece)
My artwork introduces a new possibility of expression. This expression arises from an inner soundless state, where everything is complementary. The soundless and formless nature of my work is not as important as the primary joy of the varied and vibrating life, which my artwork reflects. My vision arises out of an initial state of chaos. A lack of preconceptions helps me uncloud my eyes. Only when I see nature without judgment, can I become aware of how everything that exists is powerfully and perfectly interconnected. Since I started painting, I have become more and more alive.  It is as if there are vibrating energies directing my vision. I have begun to see the same vibrating energies everywhere, in everything. The result of my vision is like the sound of one hand clapping. It comes to me as an epiphany!  
As William Blake expressed, “To see a world in a grain of sand and a heaven in a wildflower. Hold infinity in the palm of your hand and eternity in an hour.” This approach deeply invigorates me and gives me a sense of urgency, of riding a momentum that continually propels me forward. A space without planning, without thinking, without looking back, is made possible because my art arises from an intuitive place within.  It transcends all control and preconception. It is what it is, mysterious and breathtaking, and I don’t know what the next moment will bring. I come from a culture where to dance is to live. It was only when I started painting that I became aware of the vibrating energies and sensed the real spirit of dance. Dance is lively, colorful, and exciting. It is complementary to my paintings. I became totally ecstatic, and my hand started dancing as I painted! Much of my artwork is born when I become one with my breathing and feel the universal vibrating energy. Each vibe, each flame, is a painting in itself. Each vibration is a creative force. The question is not “to be, or not to be?” but how not to be, so I can be. For me, being is the key to original and authentic expression: to be, to reconnect with the vibrating energies. My approach should be to let go of what I have learned, and to be playful and spontaneous. My priority is to cultivate my own being and reconnect with its source. Once I get in touch with my energy source, artistic expression is simply a reflection of joy and innocence. My artwork is nature-based. I try not to render nature, but to get closer to and become one with it. I don’t know whether this leads to total abstraction or total realism. It is as if nature expresses itself through my vibrations. Through my paintings, I learn the language of nature, second by second. Nature directly inspires my inner expression, as I follow in its footsteps.  Here I am reminded of a line of Georgia O’Keeffe; “I had to create an equivalent for what I feel about what I was looking at—not copy it.” I invite you to sit back and reflect upon a timeless harmony, a pleasant memory, like when you have witnessed a child playing. Let the indescribable interaction of colors between movement and silence touch you. Feel the enigma of relaxation and self-discovery as you sink into my artwork…
"# 348"  by Oberoi
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